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ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction & Complaints Handling in Organizations

ISO 10002 provides the guidelines for the process of complaints handling related to products and services within an organization, which includes planning, design, development, operation, maintenance and improvement. The complaints-handling process described can be used as one of the processes of an overall quality management system.

ISO 10002 is intended for use by any organization, regardless of its type and size, or the products and services offered. It is also for use by organizations in all fields. ISO 10002:2018 is not applicable to disputes referred for resolution outside the organization or for employment-related disputes

An effective customer service processes need to make it simple for your customers to raise the complaints and resolve any issues arising. Complaint management is not about reducing the number of complaints, but taking this information received and converting it into an opportunity for improvement. Smart complaint management will help you to improve customer service standards and deliver an effective complaint handling system to differentiate you from your competitors.

Implementing the ISO 10002 will provide your organization with a high quality and reliable complaint management system, including the characteristics i.e., Visibility, Accessibility, Responsiveness, Customer-focused approach, Accountability and Continual improvement

Benefits of ISO 10002 Certification

By implementing the 10002, it will cover the following aspects of and improves the complaints handling process by:

  • Enhancing customer satisfaction by creating a customer-focused environment using customer feedback (including complaints), resolving any complaints received, and improving the organization’s ability to improve its products and services, including customer service;
  • Top management involvement and commitment through adequate acquisition and Availability of resources, including competency and development training;
  • Finding and addressing the needs and expectations of complainants;
  • Providing complainants with an open, effective and easy-to-use complaints process;
  • Analyzing and evaluating complaints in order to improve the quality of products and services, including customer service;
  • Auditing of the complaints-handling process;
  • Reviewing the effectiveness and efficiency of the complaints-handling process.
  • ISO 10002 provides you with guidelines for to design the unique complaints management system
  • Achieve operational efficiency to identify trends and causes of complaints.
  • Resolve more complaints by adopting a more customer-focused approach.



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