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Social Accountability Management System

The current global business environment is motivating organizations to consider the full social and ethical impacts of their corporate activities and policies. Those companies who are able to prove a responsible approach to broader social and ethical issues will gain a vital competitive edge and inspire the confidence of stakeholders such as client, investors, local community and consumers.

SA 8000 is the first auditable standard in this field. In particular, it is compatible with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 structure and based on conventions of the International Labor Organization(ILO), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The worldwide-recognized certification to the SA 8000 standard involves the development and auditing of management systems that promote socially acceptable working practices bringing benefits to the complete supply chain.

What are the benefits of SA 8000 certification?

An accredited SA 8000 certification provides ongoing and reliable assurance that an organization is upholding social performance expectations, while also continuously improving their management systems to address and prevent social and labor risks. Some of the benefits are as

  • Marketing advantage – more demand and value for goods from socially.
  • Responsible manufacturers/suppliers.
  • Enhancement of company productivity.
  • Compliance to the laws of the land.
  • Improvement of relationship with the Govt., NGOs, trade unions.
  • Better image and position in labour market.

Benefits of SA 8000 to the retailers:

  • Cost reduction in monitoring.
  • Better corporate image.
  • Increased value for the products.
  • Trust building with the analysts and investors when evaluated against social performance



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